J Dewey Hawkins Freemason Lodge 331 F&AM Fort Lauderdale, FL

"Making Good Men Better"

J. Dewey Hawkins Lodge No. 331 serving our community one charitable act at a time.


Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign - coming soon

195th Grand Communication on May 27.


Masons honor each individual’s choice of what defines “safety”.

Our Lodge is disinfected regularly and hand-sanitizer is available in every room. Masks are optional. If you prefer an oral greeting in place of a physical one, you will be accommodated. At the same time, if you wish to partake our age-old tradition of shaking hands in greeting, there are always Brothers reaching out.

It is up to each individual to decide their level of “safety”; just make your preference known.

Assisting brothers in distress

If you need assistance—prescriptions, transportation, a friendly voice to talk to, etc.—

contact any J. Dewey officer or email us at JDeweyHawkins331@Comcast.net.

Wi-fi and lodge phone


J. Dewey Hawkins No. 331 has entered the 21st century by installing a Wi-Fi system and dedicated phone line.

The wi-fi system provides access to online Masonic educational material and a level of visual security to everyone who uses the hall or parks in the lot.

The dedicated phone line--(417) 986-4054--establishes a direct contact to our lodge to anyone who wishes to make contact. This line is not constantly monitored but voice messages are handled expeditiously.

District 26 website/calendar


Don't forget to pay your dues!